the ritual creative:


<< Get LOUD, Seen & Heard. >>

Are you a small business owner?

In this 9-Module Training Program, you will learn how to create  your own unique brand guideline, including visual elements and 'brand voice', learn how to design, manage and make sales through your own amazing website on SquareSpace (that doesn't look just like every other website on SquareSpace).

Take your web-weaving to the next level as you move through a process (ripe with ritual and an understanding that you are your brand) to refine your offerings, craft sales page copy, set up payments, create lead funnels, and much more. 

If you've been looking for a sign that it's time to get LOUD, seen & heard on the web... this is it.

Do you want to save thousands by designing your own website?


9 - Written & Recorded Modules

Interactive Templates & Grounding Rituals

Questions Answered via Email or DM

*Option to Add-On 1:1 Coaching Sessions



I have been 'that' designer for the past 7 years, now I am sharing my distinct design-eye and skills in a way that's more accessible to those who want to ditch the struggle of tech-DIY and have a beautiful website, along with cohesive marketing materials.

Additional accelerator add-ons include PROGRAM + COACHING


Get LOUD and get noticed, with muse-crafted branding + visual storytelling that lives in your clients' mind rent-free. 

In this program, you will learn how to:

  • Up-level your abilities in Canva, even if you already use it, to create cohesive branded imagery to use across platforms

  • Design or re-design a striking SquareSpace website (that gets you excited to promote)

  • Set up e-commerce, subscriptions, sales pages, copy writing, sales funnels, branded email automations, marketing strategy and more...

If you've had a vision for your online business, but keep putting it off because DIY feels overwhelming and you don't have the budget to pay a designer - this program was created just for you.

This program is designed to get you out of your own way, so you can launch or re-launch/design your online business. >>>>

“I adore working with Lynae. With her incredible eye and intuitive approach, she transformed my website into a visually captivating tool for sharing the story of what I do with the world. Fun and inspiring to work with, I’d recommend her creative design work to anyone looking to uplevel on the web.”

Jessica Caplan, musician/sound healer

Course Material

Learn my unique approach to branding + visual storytelling, and all my tricks for creating a beautiful SquareSpace website, that doesn't look just like every other SquareSpace website.


  • Develop a solid understanding of who you are (as a brand) and who you are not.

  • Develop comfort and skill in graphic design for entrepreneurs.

    Create visuals that support our brand messaging, personality and purpose.

  • Define the container for marketing your brand.

    Create a system for consistent marketing efforts.

    Develop marketing templates for branded content.

the WEB ALCHEMY formula

  • Get clear on your services and offerings.

    Consider cutting out anything that doesn't fit into your vision, mission and brand.

    Begin to toe-dip into SquareSpace setup.

  • Map out our copy needs, by mapping out our navigation bar.

    Conceptualize our desired layout for our homepage.

    Create and edit copy for our foundational web pages.

  • Gather our imagery together.

    Create a blank canvas, then build out sections.

    Get familiar and confident with basic SquareSpace tools and options.

  • Learn design techniques for creating a unique look.

    Complete your home page design.

    Use the same process for other web pages.

  • Learn the formula for short and long-form sales pages.

    Understand how to connect payments to SquareSpace.

    Start using email campaigns, automated emails & schedulers.

  • Learn how to setup and design blog & course pages.

    Understand lead funnels and how to create them.

    Finalize website settings and prepare to launch.

Plus, enjoy lifetime access to our private community of like-minded online business owners. Share what you’re working on and get feedback on your design and offerings.

Hi, I’m Lynae

I’ve been an artist, visual storyteller and design alchemist for as long as I can remember. I have been utilizing my obsessive perfectionism for color, proportion, style, visual messaging and invoking the spirit of a brand - for myself and others since 2005.

I created this accelerator program after recognizing the struggle of dozens of solopreneurs I have worked with, who face a continuous design blockage as they aim to grow their business. As much as I love creating unique brands and websites for others, it's not always accessible to hire a designer every time you want to turn out new web-work that shines.

I love working and collaborating with purpose-driven brands and people, who feel inspired to make a difference in the world, themselves and others.

My goal is to enable your inner-designer, so you can fearlessly showcase your business and messaging. Once you discover that side of yourself, you are free to move about the cabin - and run your online business like a beast.

My web clients praise me for my ability to make tech-landia 'not scary'. I'm real with my people + accessible as a teacher and entrepreneurial-peer.

I look forward to meeting you where you're at, and infusing your current skillset with the web-weaving approach I've developed on my own tech-journey.

  • This experience was a transformative, non-stressful, inviting process of successfully communicating my story and business with beauty and grace. Well worth the investment.

    Suz Fisher, Trauma-Informed Stewardship Educator of Science & Soul

  • Lynae is the ineffable tech-witch when it comes to community building, branding, and consistent audience engagement. If you’re looking to create income-generating spaces online, you absolutely want Lynae’s knowledge, input, and unparalleled expertise behind you.

    Danielle Dulsky, Author and Founder of The Hag School

  • Working with Lynae was such a wonderful experience.  I was able to learn the process of designing my own website while having Lynae available for support. I could not be more thrilled with my website. I started having people reach out to me within weeks of the launch.

    Jessica Sheridan, Death Midwife at The Torchlit Passage

  • You took all of my thoughts and visions and created an online space that encapsulates everything I’ve been carrying in my mind and heart for so long. I find myself excited to “land” on my page every time I open up my computer.

    Jaime Posa, Writer/Blogger of Mud & Miracles

  • Lynae is a calming and grounding force in the process of creating and designing. Anyone who has attempted to do it themselves will relish the luxury of Lynae’s mastery and ability to weave whatever services your business offers, beautifully.

    Wellness Consultant/Facilitator

  • I'm so grateful for your keen design sense and ability to weave a cohesive, gorgeous and authentically 'me' web world. You make the whole experience from start to finish feel truly effortless. I am always getting compliments on my site!

    Jessica Caplan, Sound Healer/Musician


  • Financial assistance applications are available to those who come from historically resilient, yet chronically underserved groups; including BIPOC, transgender folx, and single mothers.

    Ritual Creative Co. believes in equity, inclusivity, and the importance of speaking up for ‘where you care’, alongside sales and marketing, as a responsible way of doing purpose-full business in a change-hungry world.

    Tipping the scales of accessibility for programs that would otherwise be cost prohibited, is our way of turning up the volume on voices that matter. So let's go!

    Send an application request to:

  • Do you want your online business, marketing, website and messaging to be unique to you, reflect your offerings, create brand-trust through cohesion and professionality?

    Do you want to be able to whip up a sales page or new collective membership with confidence, and make sales without paying a designer every time you have a new idea?

    Are you someone who best commits to learning new skills by being poked along the way and getting incessant reminds to JUST KEEP GOING?

    Would you like to check in with a social club of purpose-driven entrepreneurs, starting discussions about collective happenings?

    Well then, I think this might be right for you.

    Let's sally forth!

  • We will be working with: Canva, SquareSpace, and optional choice of social media schedulers I will be recommending

    I teach Canva + SquareSpace because they are the most user and busy business-owner friendly, with all-inclusive features, ecommerce capabilities and easy to create, immaculate design-ability.

  • That's great. Are you happy with it?

    Chances are if you made it all the way to the FAQ's, there's something else you are hoping to accomplish in how your online business looks and feels.

    If you are 'running up that hill' when it comes to creating brand assets or wrestling with your website functionality, then it's time for a change, or reskilling, or complete overhaul.

    It happens. We change over time, and it's important that our online presence does as well. It can feel daunting to approach a rebrand, which is why it's a noteworthy investment to do it with guidance and place to vent about it + ask questions.

  • In general, if you new to web & branding design, it’s probably a good idea to do the coaching add-on. It comes highly recommended by past program participants who are self-proclaimed ‘non-techy’ folk.

    A common notion is that the coaching creates a very supported process and gives added confidence in the skills building. When you get stuck on something it can be very frustrating and time consuming. The 1:1 session can be used in a myriad number of ways, from help with content ideas, to forming offerings, to nailing a color palette and font selection. You could even use a session to have me jump in on designing an actual part of your website.

If you have any questions, just send an email to: